Healthcare Risk Advisors
Hospice and Homecare
We work with a large number of professional caregivers throughout North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, both For-Profit and Non-Profit. Most have inpatient facilities requiring specialized risk control services. Our clients have access to all major insurance programs offered by A rated insurance carriers. We have a dedicated healthcare practice, so we understand what you do every day and speak your language.
Senior Living / Habitational
Our firm is experienced in addressing the insurance and risk management needs of the Senior Living market. We understand the challenges facing operators of Assisted Living Facilities, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Continuing Care Communities. We focus on the areas of risk analysis from physician contracts to special event functions; from outside exposure analysis to building leases; from contractual risk transfer to hold harmless agreements. We are your risk manager.
Adult Daycare Insurance
Our newest practice area is Adult Daycare Insurance. We work with sponsors of the Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). The exposures are similar to those of nursing facilities but without the residential component. We also handle traditional Adult Daycare risks.
Non-Profit Organizations
Many Non-Profit organizations fail to understand the business risk they face daily. With the right risk advisor these organization can focus more clearly on their mission. We operate in all Non-Profit segments with a particular emphasis on evaluating operational exposures, developing plans to mitigate risk and placing the proper insurance programs to protect the organization, all while being mindful of the budgetary constraints of the organization.